Local legend Malcolm Hanson, Ghost Hunter and Author on the Supernatural, will be hosting a series of Spooky Encounters events. Having investigated the history of the pubs, he promises an evening of stories, including his own encounters with the supernatural, from living in a haunted house to meeting a phantom priest in Malta. He will also debunk some tales such as the tradition that Mary Queen of Scots haunts Skipton Castle and – where possible – include a walk in the area to point out some areas of interest or bring guest speakers from the Pennine Paranormal Society along.
Tour Dates
- Monday March 6th Lord Rodney, Keighley
- Tuesday March 7th Woolly Sheep, Skipton
- Monday March 20th Fleece, Haworth
- Tuesday April 4th Brown Cow, Bingley
- Wednesday April 5th Grouse, Oldfield
(Venues marked with * include a walk outside, so please dress according to the prevailing weather conditions).
Tickets to reserve your place are available from the pubs, for £5 per person.
Arrival 19:00 for 19:30 start.