Grove Tavern
Tunbridge Wells, TN1 1YR

Which of our beers do you stock?
Steve (Landlord): "When I started here almost 20 years ago, it was predominantly a lager house with only two real ale hand pumps, very little used and both in dire need of replacement lines. Once this was done, I started with the ‘must have’ beer around these parts – Harvey's Best Bitter, but, as take up increased, I then needed another quality ale and had received a few requests for Landlord. These are now my two permanent ales but, having had another two pumps installed, we now also offer various guest ales, which have included ones such as Boltmaker and Le Champion."
Why do you serve our beer?
"Front of house: In a word – demand! One of our regulars is a proud Yorkshire man who, for obvious reasons, recommends your ales to all who ask, often fairly vocally! Also, whilst running a take away service during the lockdown, with the limited beers still being brewed, the main question we got asked was ‘When are you getting the Landlord back on?’
"Back of house: It is a consistently good quality ale that, whilst not always the easiest one to keep, when kept well is seen as a premium product on the bar. I was also very impressed with the level of support available should there be any issues, on one occasion resulting in the head brewer calling back to talk through our process of tap and spiling the casks. This obviously worked too as soon afterwards we were honoured to be included in the membership of the Timothy Taylor’s Champion Club, with our plaque and cartoon picture hanging in pride of place."
What is the price of a pint of our beer vs. other beers you stock?
"All four of our beers our equally well looked after and sold for the same price, which is slightly higher than the average down here in the South."
How does our beer sell vs. other beers you stock?
"Our number one seller is the locally produced Harvey's Best Bitter but the Landlord brings up a respectfully close second."
What do our beers add to your business?
"A premium, well known product that is respected and nationally well known. There would now be a customer melt down if we took it off (which we have no intention of doing)!"
Post lockdown, did your decision making change with regards to which beers to have on the bar, why did you choose to continue stocking our beers?
"Post lockdown, we were in constant touch with our rep Nick as to when trade supplies would be restarting, due to the high demand of customers asking for Landlord by name. They were more than pleased to have their favourite pub back but it was just not the same without their favourite beer too! It was a no brainer – having been pestered all through the lockdown takeaway period, we did not want the same when the pub reopened!"