At the road turn right then second left down Main Street to the New Inn. Immediately after the New Inn turn left down New Inn Fold.
At T-junction turn left and soon right down Meadowcroft. Head down a footpath to the left of house no 28. Pass through a metal gate and proceed down a field, thorough a gate with sun ray pattern then turn left (not past the allotments) and go through a gap in the wall.
Cross a stile to reach a broad, stony track. Turn right, cross the railway line and continue along the track as it bears left and eventually peters out to become a footpath beside the River Aire.
Keep beside the river, following the path through some gates and under a green, iron rail bridge. Pass a stone culvert and head to the right of electricity lines and an embankment across fields heading towards the more distant of two road bridges. (The public right of way isn’t apparent.)